Osborne number 120 and a half, the Berry’s and an off-brand called the Arianiau.

Osborne number 1066, or the wide blade staple remover, the C.S. For this video I’ll be demonstrating the C.S. Hey there! Today I’ll demonstrate four different upholstery staple remover tools that you can use in your DIY project, and I’ll tell you my favorites and my not-so-favorites.
Hey everybody I’m here today to show you how to use a staple remover in this video I’ll be showing you how to use this simple tool which is a staple removal tool as you can see it’s basically a piece of equipment that you can squeeze down together and it brings these four prongs together these four teeth like that and it’s gonna allow you to remove staples from from paper or from anything else really easily and what I have here is some sheets of paper that have been stapled together as you can see I’m looking at the back end of the staples right here so this would be the front end where you see this flat long straight piece and then the back end is gonna have these two little prongs that are sort of curved in and they’re basically the pieces of the staple that are actually holding the sheets of paper together and what you want to do is you want to use these teeth to grip those prongs so you can see there’s two sets of teeth one on the right one on the left you want to line them up with the actual pieces of the staple on the right and on the left so I’ll try and do this at an angle where you can see exactly what I’m doing you want to take the staple remover you want to press it down against the paper and as you can see I’m pressing it down against the paper and these prongs are lined up just like that they’re lined up with the two pete’s two pieces of the staple the two parts of the staple what I’m gonna do now is I’m going to grip them together so I’m gonna squeeze nice and firmly okay and I’m gonna pull away from the paper just like that now what you see right there is that I actually lifted up those prongs right there so I actually loosened up the staple now what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna go to the other side and I’m gonna use my fingernail or anything else that can sort of fit right there I’m just going to be pulling the staple out give it a little wiggle to make sure you don’t do any damage to the paper and there’s a staple that I’ve removed just like that as you can see virtually no damage over there virtually no damage over there alright now once again I’m gonna go ahead and do it with this staple right here try and do it on an angle where you can see get the prongs lined up squeeze pull away go to the other side use my fingernail or anything else that’s gonna work and just give it a little wiggle like I said the more that you wiggle the staple the easier that it will be to remove it without any damage there’s a staple two little holes right there and then two little holes at the back virtually no damage to the paper at all last but not least we’ll do this third one once again give it a nice good squeeze make sure that obviously you know your fingers are out of the way because you don’t want to get anything caught in there so just use your own safety precautions and give it a nice good squeeze pull away from the paper go to the other side and then remove the staple with a nice wiggle just like that as you can see I removed all three of the staples from these sheets of paper and done virtually no damage at all to the paper it’s a really simple process and I just wanted to show you in this video how to use a staple remover if you liked the video be sure to give it a thumbs up let me know what you think down below as a comment and of course be sure to subscribe for more great videos just like this one and that’s all I have for you today thanks for watching How To Use A Staple Remover-Tutorial Video Transcript It doesn’t matter how stubborn the staple happens to be.

Bostitch Heavy Duty Carton Staple Remover

Our Top 5 Best Heavy Duty Staple Removers:Ģ. NT Cutter Carton Open with Staple Remover NT Cutter Carton Open with Staple Remover These heavy duty staple removers do have that quality.īostitch Heavy Duty Carton Staple Remover